User Contributed Information

LAIT911 allows users to share real-time information and updates on any incident. This information is referred to in our platform as User Contributed Information, or UCI. By allowing users to share details on incidents, we're able to gain information we may not have otherwise, boosting public safety and awareness along with quickly disseminating crucial information about active incidents throughout Los Angeles.

As such, we enforce strict editorial guidelines on any content published in our network. UCI not meeting these guidelines may be removed, and users who habitually violate these guidelines may have UCI privileges revoked or their account terminated.

Note: Unless a user contribution is specifically marked with [verified] and in green lettering, the authenticity of the contribution has not been verified by staff, and personal discretion and caution should be used when evaluating the authenticity and accuracy of the information.

General Platform Rules:

LAIT911 is not a social media network.

UCI that asks questions or provides personal commentary on incidents is inappropriate on our platform. LAIT911 is a platform that provides factual, unbiased information. We understand that you may want to express your concerns or have unanswered questions about an incident, and we advise you to find a forum appropriate to do so, but LAIT911 is not that place.

We are professionals.

Everyone here at LAIT911 is expected to act professionally. UCI may be deemed unprofessional if it includes spelling mistakes or profanity.

We provide value.

Every UCI should offer additional information or important context to an incident. UCI may be removed if it repeats information already provided within the platform or is irrelevant in the context of public safety.

We are for everyone.

We applaud those involved greatly enough in the fire service to understand terms like knockdown, mop-up, and forward progress, but not everyone shares that same level of familiarity. Using industry terminology can create confusion and uncertainty among the general public, and detract from promoting a safer and more informed community.

Incident Analysts may remove or re-write UCI where it may be hard for an average person to understand or the clarity could be improved.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Why was my UCI not verified?
    • LAIT911 Analysts only verify information that they know to be factually true themselves and strictly follow our editorial guidelines. It's possible that an analyst was not able to independently verify your submission or an analyst has not reviewed that specific incident.
    • Your UCI will still be displayed to the general public regardless of whether it has been verified.
  • "I followed all guidelines, and my UCI was still removed. Why?"
    • Even if your User Contributed Information (UCI) is accurate, it may be removed or replaced by our staff to enhance clarity, add further context, or simplify the details for broader understanding, ensuring the highest quality of information is available on our platform.

Repeated & Serious Violations

LAIT911 will very seldomly terminate a user or disable the ability to leave UCI on incidents without warning the user, depending on the severity of the act and overall intentions.

Many times, when an Incident Analyst decides to take action to remove UCI, it's at no fault of the original contributor but for purposes of clarity. UCI removed for clarity will not have a negative impact on your account standing.

It's important to note that these actions are taken to protect the general public and should not be taken personally.

Re-posting a deleted UCI will likely result in immediate suspension of UCI privileges.

Posting spam, obscenity, or intentionally false content will likely result in immediate termination of your LAIT911 account.

Examples of BAD UCI

  • Too many patients.
  • Quit fighting our fellow Americans, whatever they look like. Get over it
  • Predators tow trucks on scene
  • Thx 4 update..any details on the aircraft incident
  • what unit is CS911?"
  • 😭2 fires in same area in less than 24 hours😭

Examples of GOOD UCI

  • Water leaking into a 1st floor apartment from upstairs, approx 1/2 inch of water
  • Fire starting to extend into an exposed commercial building. 3 additional task forces assigned.
  • I live a block away and can see very heavy smoke, LAFD isn't on scene yet.
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